Sunday, December 5, 2021

I want radiators part 1

 So thank you previous owners for the various heating and cooling options in the house.


The main source of heat is the blown in hot air which is gas fueled. 

Gas. Love it. That's one of the reasons why we bought your house.

There are other options. Love that the Mitsubishi mini splits are in most rooms, providing another option for heat.

But, I miss my radiators.

Look at that beautiful thing. I loved putting my gloves on top of the radiator and a bathrobe fresh off a radiator is a special luxury.

The blown in hot air is not working for me. It's not working for my husband, as it irritates his sinuses blowing dust around.

So now I am fantasizing about replacing the hot air system that appears to have been around since the house was built in 1940.

I miss that warmth.

So.... we bought your house

 Dear Former Owners,

We know your names, but it isn't necessary for anyone else to.  We bought your house. You lived here for over 50 years. You raised your kids here. You made some renovations.... thank you. You made this place yours. 

Then you retired and decided for your own reasons to move and sell the place. Once again, thank you. Because otherwise we couldn't have bought it.

And now it is ours. Just as the house I lived in for nearly 20 years now belongs to a single guy, because we sold it.

So here we are borrowing each others houses. I say borrowing because before I owned my DC house, it belonged to many others. It was built in 1874-ish. Now your house was built in 1940 and despite you living here so long, you were not the 1st owners, or the 2nd or even the 3rd.

Anyway. I digress.

I am blogging this because I want to document and share how I want to change your house, because there is so much here still that reflects you and the previous owners, but I want to make it mine/ours.


I want to change everything. The yard, the shed, the interior of the house, the exterior, I want to deal with the drainage, everything. All of that will cost money.

I did this before with my DC house. I radically changed it and made it mine. Now the single guy will make it his. The changes I make are no reflection on you. Your house served you well. You had things in it that made you happy and worked for you.

But now it is our house. There are some things that do serve us well and there are things that don't serve us well.


Thanks for selling your house to us.

Let's get to work in making it ours.

Blown Air Heat BEGONE! Hot Water Radiator Replacement

  That pictured is what remained of the 30 year old heating system you had for this house. Sitting in the yard, waiting to be picked up. Beg...